North Shore Yacht Club 2024 Summer's End Regatta

August 31, 2024


The NSYC welcomes Sunfish & Buccaneer Sailors to the Summer's End Regatta!  Regatta is organized by the North Shore Yacht Club and will be governed by the rules as defined in The Racing Rules of Sailing with US Sailing prescriptions, and each fleet's own class regulations, except as any of these rules are altered by the Regatta Sailing Instructions (to be provided at race time).

Fleets: Sunfish & Buccaneer 18




           North Shore Yacht Club

21 Park Ave.  Highland Park, IL 

(847) 432-9800
Map and Directions -desktop

Map and Directions - mobile  

Regatta Links:  

Notice of Race (NOR)  

Online Regatta Registration

            Sailing Instructions (SI's) provided at race time

            Buccaneer Results  (2022, 2023)

            Sunfish Results (2022, 2023)

Registration Fees (per boat): Includes continental breakfast, lunch, post-racing BBQ followed by Presentation of Awards. Extra lunches available for purchase for racers' guests and children.     

            Register by 8/25/24 ($10 discount): Sunfish $40, Buccaneer 18 $55                                                                 

            Register after 8/25/24 Sunfish $50, Buccaneer 18 $65  

Schedule of Events: Saturday, Aug. 31, 2024.  

          8:30 AM     Check-In & Onsite Registration, Continental Breakfast

           10:00 AM    Skippers Meeting on the Deck

           11:00 AM     Initial Warning,  No race to start after 4:00 PM           

 Scoring: Scoring shall be in accordance with RRS Appendix A.  Stragglers may be awarded positions at the discretion of the Race Committee. One race constitutes a regatta.

 Recognitions: Top three finishers in each fleet will be recognized.  Additional recognitions as well as the Mayor's Cup will be awarded at the discretion of the Regatta Committee

 Safety:   All boats are to be equipped in accordance with the rules of their Class Association as well as all applicable government regulations.

 Radio:  Competitors may receive radio transmissions from the Race Committee in accordance with the RRS.  The presence of marine band radios on board is encouraged. 

 Disclaimer: Competitors agree to be bound by the RRS, this Notice of Race, and the Sailing Instructions. Competitors shall be responsible for the seaworthiness of their boat, rigging, equipment and the ability of their skipper and crew. Competitors shall be responsible for damages they cause to third persons or their equipment, to themselves or to their equipment, as a consequence of their participation in the regatta.

Competitors are to be acquainted with RRS Rule 4, Decision to Race: "The responsibility for a boat's decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone.” Competitors agree that the Organizing Authorities, the sponsors and their agents, shall have no responsibility for loss of life or injury to competitors or others, or for the loss of, or damage to any vessel or property. As part of the registration process, each individual competitor will be required to sign a declaration accepting this disclaimer of liability.

 Contact Info:   Email:  website: 

 Lodging:  A range of lodgings, including Airbnb, hotels and inns, is within easy reach and can be found by searching Lodgings Near Highland Park, into your browser.